The Uplift 5th Edition Selection Bootcamp kicked off on January 12, at the ICTS Lab Space.
The event started with opening speeches by supporters and key actors in the innovation ecosystem. The managing partner of ICTSlab Kushtrim Shala held the opening word, followed by the Chairman of the Finance and Economy Committee Eduard Shalsi Representatives of @unicefalbania and EU4Innovation also showed their support.

The Selection Bootcamp continued with the presentation of the mentors from different areas of the innovation space. Then, startup founders made their 1-minute elevator pitches in front of the mentors, peers, and other participants. The pitches were each followed by a short session of Q&A.
The second part of the day continued with one-on-one mentoring sessions. Every one of the start-up founders had the opportunity to consult with the mentors and then improve their presentations. After implementing the mentors’ advice, the start-up founders pitched their business ideas through 3-minute structured presentations.

The jury selected 12 start-ups to move on to the next phase. Congratulations to Beach Master, Future Block, Marigo, Dialogo AI, Nullius in Verb, Kungul, Patoko, Cyber Morphosis, Rumio, Altvista, UnyoCorp and ScreenGuard!