In frame of the GEW 2023, the “Techstars Startup Weekend Shkodra” Hackathon took place on November 17th – 19th. This will be followed with the beginning of a 3-month incubation programme, powered by EU4Innovation and implemented by KOESTINGER TACE & partners.

Youngsters had 54 hours to gain essential skills for thinking, working, and building like a start-up.

The first day was a huge success, with a participation of approximately 130 applicants. 10 business ideas were presented by the participants. These ideas were then voted on by the remaining, which led to the formation of teams that worked together for the two upcoming days. On Saturday and until Sunday morning, the teams participated in intense workshops and mentoring sessions.
Following this preparation, teams focused on perfecting their pitches and presentations until the afternoon, when they presented their ideas to a panel of judges and the audience. This hackathon came to an end with the awarding of 3 best ideas, warm regards from the judges and networking.