Last week the Albanian start-ups participating in the ‘Matchmaking and Exposure’ programme, got to virtually meet with Thomas Pilz, of the German Red Cross and initiator of “Training with VR”. Thomas gave the start-ups very interesting insights into his business and showed what can be achieved even when you start off with just a simple idea to help people.
Originally, he bought a pair of VR glasses for his father so that he could continue to see, at least virtually, his favorite place, which due to his illness he could no longer visit. At the retirement home, so many of the elders took a liking to the idea, that Thomas thought to make more out of it.
The start-up developed fully comprehensive programmes for rescue services and disaster relief of all kinds, so that paramedics and volunteers, could practice their tasks flexibly, regardless of time and place, and in a safe environment. In the meantime, the project has also expanded in the preparation of learning content and the provision of virtual learning environments for training and further education in the nursing professions as well as for family careers, first aid, disaster and civil protection and medical emergency care (shock room simulator).
Thank you to all start-ups for the inspiring discussion and we hope that you could take away some useful learnings about the impact that the utilization of the latest technologies can have in the community!