The Dutch University Industry Innovation Network (#UIIN), kicked-off the second cohort of ‘Spanning Boundaries’ training programme on September 16th.
Spanning Boundaries is Europe’s first dedicated training programme for individuals working to break down the barriers between academia and industry. At EU for Innovation, we’re very happy to have enabled for the first time, the participation of Albanian representatives – ‘spanning boundaries agents’, from the following entities: Scidev Center Science and Innovation for Development, the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism), Polis University, Marin Barleti University and Tech360 Smart Solutions.
The participants will follow a 5-month online training programme with seminars, master classes, and workshops, along with other 100 other likeminded professionals working in academia, industry and intermediaries, stemming from 10 different countries.
To learn more about the programme visit: and stay tuned for more updates in the following weeks.