As part of its mandate to strengthen the innovation and start-up ecosystem in Albania, the EU for Innovation project is supporting selected municipalities across Albania to develop programmes, partnerships and capacities to strengthen local entrepreneurs and businesses. For this purpose, the project will work with policy makers, universities and Innovation Support Organisation (ISOs) in these municipalities helping them to offer tailored services and start-up support programmes and to embed them in the national and international start-up ecosystem. We are happy to announce that Korça is the first city/ region where this initiative has already kicked off!
Between the 16th to 19th July 2020, the ‘EU for Innovation’ programme implemented by GIZ and Sida, jointly the with Municipality of Korça conducted a series of awareness raising sessions and workshops revolving around ICT entrepreneurship and skills for students, aspiring entrepreneurs and Start-ups.
16th July 2020: Awareness Raising Session – Freelancing and future of work
17th July 2020: Awareness Raising Session – How to become an entrepreneur?
18th July 2020: ICT Skills Workshop – Marketing, Content Development and Social Media Management
19th July 2020: ICT Skills Workshop – UX/ Web Design & Development
This is a first initiative in transforming Korça in an ICT Start-up hub and will be followed by more programmes and initiatives in the following year seeking to support students, aspiring entrepreneurs and Start-ups in the ICT field.