Part of our EU for Innovation team, ended this working week with meetings and interviews in the cities of Korça, Pogradec and Elbasan. They met the new Mayor of the City, Gledian Llatja, and the representatives of “Aleksander Xhuvani” University.
In Korce they met with the Mayor, Mr. Sotiraq Filo, the Rector and vice-rector of the “Fan Noli University” of Korça, and got an introduction to the Korça Business Incubator, an initiative of the Regional Development Agency and Municipality of the city.
On their way back, our team interviewed promising start-ups such as Labotech Albania and Old Bazaar Rooms in Korça, and Visit Pogradec, in the neighbouring city of Pogradec.
It was a busy, but extremely informative week and you will read more about our results and recommendations in the upcoming, updated version of the “Gap Analysis: Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Albania”.