Today, the “European Innovation Council Roadshow” (EIC) stopped in Tirana, to hold an information session regarding the newest tools to support researchers and innovators, with special emphasis on private sector stakeholders (start-ups, SMEs, etc.).
The EIC 2019-2020 Work Programme provides for a financial allocation of about 2 billion Euros. The main support tools are the “Pathfinder”, which aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and research, as well as the “Accelerator” aimed at start-ups and entrepreneurs scaling up high-risk innovations.
A panel discussion, with the participation of Minister of State for Enterprise Protection Eduard Shalsi, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy Dajna Sorensen, NASRI representative Mrs. Marsela Robo, researcher and beneficiary of Horizon 2020 Program Assist. Prof. Dr. Albana Halili and Dr. Luisa Prista, EASME Head of Department, was held during the event.
This event was promoted by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Delegation in Albania and with the support of the “EU for Innovation” project, which aims to strengthen the eco-system for innovation and start-up promotion in Albania.
To read more on the European Innovation Council, visit: