The Entrepreneurship & Innovation Inspirational Talks in Universities (EIIU TALKs) is a series of talks/ speeches organised by “EU for Innovation”, whereby invited keynote figures from international university affiliated incubators, Technology Transfer Centres/ Offices, Technology Parks, Start-Up Companies, etc, will deliver a talk/ presentation and share their experiences.
This session is about an innovative Start-Up company that got to life as a university project by the founders, Malte Hendricks and Fritz Fried. They developed a concept during a semester project to give small, local retailers and companies access to the digital tools of large corporations and online shops, and called it: LOLOCO.
Thanks to the initiative of Innovators Club at EPOKA University, join this inspirational talk on how to start a business while still being a student, and question and answer session, on Thursday, May 14, 18:00.
If you want to check the video, click the link below: