About Us
The Action supports the Government of Albania in achieving key objectives in the field of economic development, namely, to accelerate the transformation into a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based economy, unlocking its human capital, entrepreneurial as well as research potential and thereby increasing its competitiveness.
The specific objective of the Action is to increase maturity and exposure of the Albanian start-up and innovation ecosystem, and its stakeholders. This objective is pursued through activities in four main outputs
Project Details
EU4Innovation is funded by the European Union, with additional support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The project has a budget up to 11,750,000 EUR (EU contribution: 10 Mio. EUR; German contribution: 1.2 Mio. EUR; Swedish contribution: 550,000 EUR). The programme is implemented by GIZ Albania and Swedish Embassy Tirana.
The Albanian start-up and innovation ecosystem is nascent and ranks among the lowest entrepreneurial ecosystems in Europe. In the 2019 Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI), Albania was placed 87 out of 137 analysed economies. The business dynamics, not only considering start-ups but also micro and small enterprises are below the regional and EU average. Albania lost 4 positions in the 2019 Global Competitiveness Index ranking compared to the previous year (scoring 83 out of 137 countries). Thus, seemingly continued pre-COVID Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth did not lead to increased country competitiveness.
Inception study 1: The start-up and innovation ecosystem in Albania and its potential to connect to Europe
Inception study 2: An overview of the Research & Development and Innovation of Higher Education Institutions in Albania – Drivers and Enablers
EU4Innovation strategizes its actions along the start-up life cycle.
EU4I activates
4000 potential entrepreneurs
EU4I as promoter
The pre-ideation program
is systematically intertwined
with all EU4I communication
EU4I engages
300 potential start-ups / entrepreneurs supported
IDEATIONEU4I as co-creator
We provide access to networks,
promote participation and drive
EU4I incubates
100 start-ups have one MVP
/ prototype /
product / service
EU4I as capacity builder
We develop internal
capacities of local ISO-s.
We take on a new role in
the field of Horizon Europe as
capacity builder and facilitator.
EU4I accelerates
30 start-ups are in business
GROWTHEU4I as accelerator
Capacity building for ISOs to carry out
due diligence for start-ups, investor
relationship-building and sustainable
ISO business models.
EU4I scales & invests
5 tech scale-ups receive financial support
SCALE & INVESTEU4I produces a pipeline of investment ready start-ups
We offer policy support to GoA, financial support for selected tech scale-ups and match a selection of the best tech start-ups with international investors.
Waste prevention and gas reduction, Tirana Municipality and GIZ Albania start the implementation of the Circular City Labs project
The Municipality of Tirana and GIZ Albania officially signed the Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in efforts to support Albania’s green/digital transition, developing green and digital solutions for sustainable urban challenges, with a focus on the capital city, Tirana.
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