Together We Innovate! EU4Innovation activates

At EU4I, we believe that the start-up and innovation ecosystem is a very important driver of sustainable economic growth.

The European Union, Germany and Sweden are working together, as Team Europe, with the Government of Albania to develop and boost the Albanian innovation agenda.

learn more about us
Developing Albania’s innovation ecosystem

Output 1

Output 1
Improving finance opportunities

Output 2

Output 2
Quadruple Helix approach and Horizon Europe

Output 3

Output 3
Promoting Albania locally and internationally

Output 4

Output 4

Challenge Fund

The Challenge Fund is a competitive financing facility which will be used as a means of addressing the issue of access to finance for innovative companies at all stages of development (idea, validation, growth and scale-up).

The vision of the Challenge Fund is boosting a vibrant innovation ecosystem by providing funding to the most promising companies to carry them through the ‘valley of death’ and scale up their innovative businesses, while looking for innovative solutions that leverage Albania know-how and create improvement and value, by introducing new ideas, methods, or products.

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Our Stakeholders arrow

Government, Development Organizations, Incubators/Accelerators, Private Sector, Universities, Media, Financial Organizations, Civil Society

People that think alike, people with common aspirations and goals, people that have ideas that can transform our lives and the society. Our mission is to be the trusted partner that supports and strengthens the innovation ecosystem and its promotion in Albania and beyond.

European Digital Innovation Hub – Training Program

04.02 1 min read

European Digital Innovation Hub – Training Program
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The Second EU4Innovation Steering Committee Meeting

24.01 2 min read

The Second EU4Innovation Steering Committee Meeting
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Branded Narrative Workshop with Albanian ecosystem stakeholders

20.12 1 min read

Branded Narrative Workshop with Albanian ecosystem stakeholders
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Focus Group on Research Infrastructure

20.12 2 min read

Focus Group on Research Infrastructure
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Circular City Labs – Shkodra Demo Day

16.12 2 min read

Circular City Labs – Shkodra Demo Day
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Albanian Night Launch Event Celebrates Culture and Innovation

10.12 2 min read

Albanian Night Launch Event Celebrates Culture and Innovation
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